О нас подробнее:


                           К Р А Т К А Я    Х А Р А К Т Е Р И С Т И К А: 


 Воробьев Дмитрий Леонидович: 1979г.р., ХАРАКТЕР: нордический,твердый,В СВОБОДНОЕ
ВРЕМЯ: играет на музыкальных инструментах: фортепиано, гитара,(ударные, как любитель),
СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ: барабанозверь, РОД ЗАНЯТИЙ: зашибает деньги.
 Воробьев Игорь Дмитриевич: 1998г.р., ХАРАКТЕР: упрямый, непослушный, В СВОБОДНОЕ 
ВРЕМЯ: играет на музыкальных инструментах: (фортепиано, как любитель), поет,
СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ: грабитель холодильников, РОД ЗАНЯТИЙ: грабит холодильники.  
"ONE DAY TOGETHER WITH MY MUM, FOR HALEY JOEL OSMENT" (to one of a kind and special David)!
     Sonata from Igor Vorobiev (Plays a computer)
  The second work И.В.
 (File MP3 3,7 MB)
 Once to click with use of the  right button on the reference: Sonata "One day together with my mum, for Haley Joel Osment" 
 To choose in the menu " save object as ". To save at itself and to open. 
 (It there would be a good idea to keep a file and to check up it on its safety). 
 We wish good luck! 

         This way  Sonata "One day together with my mum, for Haley Joel Osment"

         If you had any difficulties you can write to us on a site or in гостевая книга.

                           HAPPY BIRTHDAY,HALEY!  20!!!

        AUDIO-CONGRATULATION FROM Igor Vorobiev and Dmitry Vorobiev!
 (File MP3 3,1 MB)
        DANCES OF MECHAS!(dances-sample,plays a computer)    
 (File MP3 3,6 MB)
 Once to click with use of the  right button on the reference "HAPPY BIRTHDAY,HALEY"(AUDIO-CONGRATULATION)
 or DANCES OF MECHAS!(dances-sample). To choose in the menu " save object as ". To save at itself and to open. 
 (It there would be a good idea to keep a file and to check up it on its safety). 
 We wish good luck! 


         This way  DANCES OF MECHAS!(dances-sample)

         If you had any difficulties you can write to us on a site or in гостевая книга.

    (PreludeI, for a piano,Igor Vorobiev)(Plays a computer)
  The first work И.В.
 (File MP3 3,9 MB)
 Once to click with use of the  right button on the reference "HAPPY BIRTHDAY,EMILY"(PreludeI,for a piano) 
 To choose in the menu " save object as ". To save at itself and to open. 
 (It there would be a good idea to keep a file and to check up it on its safety). 
 We wish good luck! 

         This way  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY"(PreludeI,for a piano) 

         If you had any difficulties you can write to us on a site or in гостевая книга.




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